Call for Abstracts

Submission of abstracts is now closed

Deadline for submissions - 6 February 2024

Submissions for abstracts or posters in the following sub-themes have been welcomed

Examples of successful CA adoption and learnings from conservation agriculture efforts worldwide.

Farm- and ecosystem-level benefits that CA systems offer farmers, society and the environment.

Mainstreaming of CA with national policy and institutional support for scaling the adoption of conservation agriculture up and out.

Promoting CA-based knowledge and innovation systems and information sharing and communication.

Special Sessions

1) Two farmers’ panel discussions:

    - Cropping systems (annual and perennial crops)

    - Integrated crop-livestock systems (annual and perennial crops and extensive rangelands)

2) Panel discussion: What is the next step for CA?

3) Panel discussion: Soil health measurements – sense and nonsense.

4) Panel discussion: Challenges in smallholder conservation agriculture worldwide.

National and international keynote speakers will be invited to address sub-themes and side events.


6 February 2024

- Deadline for submission of abstracts

28 February 2024

- REVIEWERS – final deadline for reviews

30 March 2024

- AUTHORS – final submission deadline for revised abstracts

Abstract Guidelines

Submission of abstracts for posters

- maximum 400 words

Submission of abstracts for oral presentations

- maximum 400 words

Submission of abstracts for keynotes

- Maximum 1,500 words

Only accepted oral presentations will be notified to submit an extended abstract of maximum 1 500 words.

Presentation Guidelines


All congress oral and poster presentations must be 400 words or less (this does not include headings, references and keywords). Only accepted oral presentations will be notified to submit an extended abstract of 1 500 words.

The aim of the instructions is to ensure uniform congress proceedings and to minimise editing. The assistance of each author in this regard is highly appreciated.

Please adhere to the following ABSTRACT sections:



¹ Contact author: Affiliation and full mailing address in 10-point Arial, centred, italicized

Contact author’s e-mail address: 10-point Arial, centred, italicized


       Provide a brief background, problem statement and hypothesis.


       This section should briefly discuss the methods followed, to allow the reader insight into the origin and validity of the data.


This section should be the focus of your paper. Here you should present and discuss your data. Focus on the interpretation and validity thereof and also on situations where it might not be applicable. Figures and tables are not allowed.


       Provide a statement/conclusion reached by the researcher based on findings in the research as well as recommendations/potential application of research results.


       References (if used) should be listed in chronological order.

       Use the Harvard style – keep to as few as possible.


       Use a maximum of six keywords, in alphabetical order, separated with a comma.


Please only use MS PowerPoint. Avoid the use of videos within the presentation.

Logos of employers and sponsors should be as small as possible and should preferably be shown only on the first slide.

Presentations will be 15 minutes long and then 5 minutes for a discussion. The session chair will strictly manage the time duration of presentations.

Presentations must be submitted via the website before the start of the congress.


The size and orientation of posters should be A0 portrait (841 mm × 1 189 mm).

Posters are not intended as commercial sites and thus must be of a scientific nature. The use of commercial logos should be kept to a minimum.

Copies of the poster (A4 format) are allowed as handouts, but the distribution of commercial promotional material is discouraged. Material to affix posters to the poster display boards will be provided during registration.

Use 96-point Arial bold for the title of the poster. Use capital letters for the title.

Use 72-point Arial for information about authors and affiliations. List the authors on a separate line from the title with their affiliations a line below that. Underline the name of the person who will be presenting the poster.

Centre the title, authors and affiliations.

Use 30-36-point Arial bold capitals for section headings.

Use 24-30-point Arial for regular text.

Review the readability of your poster by using a viewing distance of approximately 1,8 m. Avoid squeezing too much text and information onto your poster. The poster should contain headings similar to those used in the abstract: Introduction, Objectives, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, References.


Talk duration: 10 minutes

Approximate number of slides: 1 slide per minute

Introduction (1-2 slides)

    Description of your farm (who, where, etc.), environment and context (e.g. soils, climate, (e.g. semi-arid, tropical, temperate, rainfall,     temperature), scale (e.g. size, commercial, smallholder, etc.)

• Description of CA system and practices (2-4 slides)

 History and evolution, major goals, milestones and achievements, challenges, solutions, best practices, vision for future, etc.

 Description of your value chains/commodities, enterprises, etc.

• Impact, success and progress (2-4 slides)

 Show and describe some important / interesting data and results, including production (e.g. yields, efficiencies, etc.), environmental (e.g. soil       health, biodiversity, etc.) and finances (e.g. profitability), qualitative and/or quantitative.

 Emphasise progress, impact and sustainability – production, environmental and production / financial, efficiency, etc.

• Conclusion (1 slide)

 Share your vision, goals and/or ideal best practices for the future.

 Take home message.

• General guidelines

 Use large, good quality photos, pictures and graphics as much as possible.

 Minimise words per slide, >18 letter size.



Cape Town, ZA


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